

Download latest version from

C and C++ users

No installation is required. See C API and C++ API on how to include the library in your C/C++ sofware and how to compile.

Python users - Installing on *nix from source

On GNU/Linux, OSX and FreeBSD you need the following requirements:

  • GCC
  • Python >= 2.6 or 3.X
  • NumPy >= 1.3.0 (with header files)
  1. Untar minepy-X.Y.Z.tar.gz, creating minepy-X.Y.Z folder (where X.Y.Z is the current version of minepy)

  2. Go into minepy-X.Y.Z folder and from a terminal run:

    $ sudo python install

    If you have installation problems on MAC OS X try:

    $ sudo ARCHFLAGS="-arch i386 -arch x86_64" python install
  3. If you don’t have root access, installing minepy in a directory by specifying the --prefix argument. Then you need to set PYTHONPATH:

    $ python install --prefix=/path/to/modules
    $ export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:/path/to/modules/lib/python{version}/site-packages

Python users - Installing on MS Windows

On MS Windows (Xp, Vista and 7) you need the following requirements:

  • Python 2.7 32 bit
  • NumPy >= 1.6 for Python 2.7
  1. Download minepy-X.Y.Z.win32-py2.7.exe (where X.Y.Z is the current version of minepy)
  2. Install minepy-X.Y.Z.win32-py2.7.exe

MATLAB users (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X)

The library works with MATLAB >= 7.3 (R2006b) since it supports 64-Bit indexing. See

  1. Untar minepy-X.Y.Z.tar.gz, creating minepy-X.Y.Z folder (where X.Y.Z is the current version of minepy)

  2. Open MATLAB

  3. In the MATLAB “command window” go into the minepy-X.Y.Z folder by typing:

    >> cd path_to_minepy-X.Y.Z/matlab/
  4. Build the binary MEX file by typing:

    >> mex mine_mex.c ../minepy/libmine/mine.c ../minepy/libmine/core.c
  5. Now, you have the binary MEX-file in path_to_minepy-X.Y.Z/matlab/ (mine_mex.mex*, where * can be a64, maci64, w32 or w64)

  6. Put your MEX-file (mine_mex.mex*) and mine.m in a folder on the MATLAB path. Alternatively, you can add path_to_minepy-X.Y.Z/matlab/ selecting File > SetPath.

  7. Test the MEX-file by typing:

    >> minestats = mine([1,2,3,4,5,6], [1,2,3,4,5,6])
    minestats =
        mic: 1
        mas: 0
        mev: 1
        mcn: 2

OCTAVE users (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X)

  1. Untar minepy-X.Y.Z.tar.gz, creating minepy-X.Y.Z folder (where X.Y.Z is the current version of minepy)

  2. Run OCTAVE

  3. Go into the minepy-X.Y.Z folder by typing:

    octave:1> cd path_to_minepy-X.Y.Z/matlab/
  4. Build the binary MEX-file by typing:

    octave:2> mex mine_mex.c ../minepy/libmine/mine.c ../minepy/libmine/core.c
  5. Now, you have the binary MEX-file in path_to_minepy-X.Y.Z/matlab/ (mine_mex.mex)

  6. Put your MEX-file (mine_mex.mex) and mine.m in a folder on the OCTAVE path. Alternatively, you can add path_to_minepy-X.Y.Z/matlab/ in the OCTAVE startup file (

  7. Test the MEX-file by typing:

    octave:3> minestats = mine([1,2,3,4,5,6], [1,2,3,4,5,6])
    minestats =
    mic =  1
    mas = 0
    mev =  1
    mcn =  2